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Arnold Community Calls On Mayor To Resign: 'She's Saying I'm Sorry Because She Got Caught'

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ARNOLD (KDKA) -- The Arnold City Council meeting might have ended with boos, but the community members say this is just the beginning.

Many tell KDKA they're not going to stop until they see the end of Mayor Karen Peconi's time in office.

"She knows she is wrong, she knows she is wrong, and what bothers me is that she is arrogant enough and she feels entitled," said Hannah McBean, a resident of New Kensington.

McBean attended Tuesday night's meeting and said she was proud of her community for coming together to speak out about the mayor's comments on Facebook.

Mayor Peconi's late June comments on Facebook landed her in hot water. Her comment on an internet video suggested that water cannons be used on the people protesting the officer-involved shooting death of Antwon Rose Jr. in East Pittsburgh. She said, "We need one of these for tomorrow," and "bring the hoses."

Peconi did stand up and read a prepared statement Tuesday night, but she refused to resign.

"I honestly don't think that she has conceptualized the whole thing and like really thought about," said McBean. "She's saying I'm sorry because she got caught."

McBean added that if no one had taken a screenshot of Peconi's comment, she might not have apologized.

At Tuesday night's meeting, council voted and approved the decision to ask the governor to remove the mayor from office. State statute says Peconi could lose her position if she is impeached, convicted of a crime while in office, or if the governor calls a hearing and two-thirds of the state Senate votes to remove her.

KDKA reached out to Gov. Tom Wolf's office to see if he's looking into the situation, but has not yet heard back.

KDKA also knocked on the door at Peconi's Arnold home and no one answered.

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