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Alleged Boston Marathon Bomber Captured; Experts Talk Motives

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ---  Now that the second suspect, 19-year old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been captured, investigators are now focusing on one big question - why?

What led two brothers to carry out such a vicious attack?

Michael Kenney is an associate professor in Pitt's Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

He's from Boston and says this attack hit closer to home than ever.

Kenney  also says terrorism is "Political Theatre" and that all of the media coverage gives terrorists exactly what they want.

"Going through that process from evolving from a normal young man to someone who has such hatred and has dehumanized everybody to such a degree that they're willing to strike out," Kenney says.

Kenney is a terrorism expert and says while what happened Monday likely took less than a month to plan, the process of the two brothers forming their world view took much longer.

He says people who knew the brothers and even their parents likely have a hard time believing what the FBI says the two did because they did appear to lead a typical life, which studies show is behavior many terrorist display.

What wasn't normal, at least for highly skilled terrorists is the fact that the brothers traveled together when carrying out the acts and were visible during and after the attacks.


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