A Look Into The Lessons Of History
PITTSBURGH (NewsRadio 1020 KDKA)- Author of "Doomed To Repeat: The Lessons Of History We've Failed To Learn"
Bill Fawcett, says there are many lessons to be learned from the triumphs and downfalls of history.
"Despite McCarthyism, we have a good democracy, despite the Black Plague or the collapse of the Roman Empire, civilization eventually recovers and continues," Fawcett said. "We're a lot tougher than we think."
Fawcett says looking back at history can teach America how to move forward. Terrorism and widespread diseases are specific problems from history Fawcett says America should pay close attention to.
"There has always been terrorists, and there has always been disease, and the factor is not if there is going to be disease or not, the factor is going to be how it is spread," he said.
In addition to what really stops terrorists, and if there is a chance of another worldwide plague, Fawcett's book also gives readers insight on what really ended the Great Depression and whether it could work today.
Through 14 chapters, "Doomed To Repeat" is full of trivia, historical officiates, and insights into the most popular mistakes of history.
Fawcett says "It is important to take a look at 50 and 100 years and not just the next election"
Listen to Chris Moore's interview with Bill Fawcett on NewsRadio 1020 KDKA: