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Access To 3-D Printable Gun Plans Blocked In Pennsylvania

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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Pennsylvanians will not be able to download plans to make 3-D printable guns in August.

The company Defense Distributed recently settled with the federal government and announced that files for 3-D printable guns would be posted online starting in August. For a nominal fee, anyone can join Defense Distributed and gain access to the files without needing to provide proof of age, a valid gun license or a permit-to-carry number.

Americans can legally download 3-D printed guns starting next month
(Courtesy: Marisa Vasquez)

An emergency hearing in federal court in Philadelphia was held Sunday to block access to 3-D downloadable guns in Pennsylvania. Attorney General Josh Shapiro, Governor Tom Wolf and Pennsylvania State Police sued to block the company from distributing its 3-D gun designs in Pennsylvania.

According to a press release from the Office of Attorney General, the lawsuit says, "Defense Distributed has sought to bypass these established legal requirements to instantaneously deliver real, operational firearms to any Pennsylvanian with an internet connection and a 3D printer."

Defense Distributed agreed to block Pennsylvania users from its site. It also agreed to not upload any new 3-D gun files online.

The company said in court that they began distributing gun files early and that 1,000 people had downloaded 3-D plans for AR-15s since Friday.

Shapiro says he, his legal team, the governor and state police will continue to seek a preliminary and permanent injunction against Defense Distributed's plans to make its 3-D gun files available online.

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