2 Top Police Officials Testify As Part Of Grand Jury Investigation
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Two high-ranking officials were called to testify as part of an ongoing Grand Jury investigation Wednesday morning.
Acting Police Chief Regina McDonald and Deputy Chief Paul Donaldson had nothing to say as they entered the federal courthouse Wednesday morning.
They were subpoenaed to appear before the Grand Jury.
Both faced questioning for more than an hour and a half, but what they were asked and how they testified remains a mystery.
By all accounts, the Grand Jury has been looking into the activities of Mayor Luke Ravenstahl.
It is known that Donaldson was one of seven officers to have a debit card to a police slush fund, which is currently being questioned. However, he maintains he was unaware of the card and never used it.
McDonald had been head of the Special Events Office and there have been some questions about excessive police overtime in relation to the program. However, just what that has to do, if anything, with Ravenstahl is also unclear.
Leaving the Grand Jury room, McDonald said she would have no comment, but Donaldson told KDKA's Andy Sheehan, 'We are here to assist in the investigation." Sources indicate this is true, that the two were to testify as informational witness on police policy and procedures.
Both were subpoenaed to appear, but both came without attorneys -- a clear indication they are not under suspicion.
What exactly they were asked about the mayor's action is unclear.
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