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Jewish community reacts to guilty verdict in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting

Robert Bowers found guilty on all counts in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting trial 05:37

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- The Jewish community is reacting after a jury found the man accused of shooting and killing 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue guilty on all 63 counts.

For the members of the Jewish community, the guilty verdict was the first step in a long journey to justice. They have been waiting for this day for 4 1/2 years.  

As this trial continues, there is the expectation of it being an emotional roller coaster, but for at least today, there was some relief given to a community that suffered so much.  

Sixty-three counts. Sixty-three guilty verdicts. Some cried in the courtroom as the jury issued their verdict against the gunman.  

"It was emotional to be there a couple rows behind the person who committed this heinous crime and took 11 members of our community," Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh CEO and president Jeff Finkelstein said.  

Finkelstein said he felt several emotions, and it was draining. He is still processing what happened in that federal courtroom.   

"I feel a sense of like a completion of this first round of the trial," he said after the verdict.  

Congregants, survivors and family members listen as the verdict was read in the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting trial.  (Photo: Emily Goff)

What's next is still to be determined as the search for justice continues for 11 members of the community who were killed. They were sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. Congregation leaders said time has started to heal these wounds for some but not others.  

"For some of our members, it's yesterday, and they will be forever reliving yesterday," New Light Congregation co-president Stephen Cohen said.  

After this tragedy, we have seen how people have come together to help their neighbors through one of the worst days in Pittsburgh history. People will be called upon again to help as this trial continues.  

"We look forward to a final just conclusion and a just punishment for the horrendous deeds done 4 1/2 years ago," Cohen said.  

A simple way to help one another: have a shoulder for someone to lean on.  

"In the Jewish tradition, we try to do this idea of 'tikkun olam,' repairing the world, so help us make the world a better place. Do something good to help our society," Finkelstein said.  

If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health effects from the trial, go to to find help resources. As always, call 911 to report threats. 

Phone: 412-697-3534

More resources can be found here.


Gainey: 'Pittsburgh is stronger than hate'

Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey released a statement, saying:

"Five years ago, our city was shaken when 11 lives were taken in an act of antisemitic hate. Today, we remember the lives of Bernice Simon, Sylvan Simon, Melvin Wax, Daniel Stein, Irving Younger, Rose Mallinger, Jerry Rabinowitz, Joyce Feinberg, Richard Gottfried, Cecil Rosenthal, and David Rosenthal. May their memories be a blessing.

"Pittsburgh, please join me in praying for the family and friends of those we lost and those who survived this horrific tragedy. I hope that today helps our Jewish brothers and sisters, and our entire city, begin their journey towards healing.

"As we continue to eliminate hate from our beloved city, remember: Pittsburgh is stronger than hate."

By Michael Guise

Lawmakers, community leaders issue statements

Lawmakers and community leaders are also issuing statements after the gunman was convicted. 

Pennsylvania's two senators said the verdict is a step toward justice but everyone must continue to fight back against antisemitism. 

Sen. Bob Casey's statement read in part: 

"In order to achieve a full measure of justice for the 11 worshippers who lost their lives and six more people injured, we must continue working to root out the antisemitism that plagues our Nation and our world to this day. Antisemitic incidents in the United States reached a new high in 2022, four years after this attack. We owe it to those who lost their lives, the members of these congregations, and the Jewish community in Pittsburgh and beyond to ensure this never happens again."

Sen. John Fetterman's statement read in part: 

"Today, a jury found the shooter guilty of all charges. This is a step towards justice for such a hateful, disgusting, and antisemitic attack.

"We all must continue to stand in solidarity with Pennsylvania's Jewish community against the evil of antisemitism."

Congresswoman Summer Lee also said the conviction is a step towards justice. She said in part: 

"May the memories of those taken from us be forever a blessing. And May the strength and resilience shown by the survivors, the victims' family members, and the entire Jewish community throughout this heartbreaking trial forever be an inspiration to us all.

"They inspire me to work even harder to confront the root causes of hatred, racism, and bigotry so that no community has to live in fear of such senseless violence ever again."

Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh Bishop David Zubik issued a statement saying: 

"In the 7th chapter of the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, Moses delivers the powerful message: 'the Lord has set His heart on you because the Lord loved you.' Those words were spoken to the beloved Jewish people. At this delicate time for the Pittsburgh Jewish Community and beyond, we all need to embrace not only God's words but especially at this time set our hearts on our Jewish sisters and brothers as God does."


Pittsburgh Public Safety hopes verdict brings victims' families, first responders 'a measure of justice'

Pittsburgh Public Safety said first responders who were called to the scene were "indelibly marked" by what they experienced.

Public Safety released this statement: 

"October 27, 2018 will forever be remembered as one of the darkest days in the City of Pittsburgh. 

"Eleven lives were taken in a horrific act of hate in a place that should have been a sanctuary of peace for members of the three congregations worshipping inside the Tree of Life synagogue. 

"Today, the jury of seven women and five men found the defendant, Robert Bowers, guilty on all 63 federal charges against him. 

"City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety personnel who responded to the tragedy have been indelibly marked by what they experienced that day.  The trial has inevitably ripped open wounds that may never truly heal. 

"It is the Department of Public Safety's fervent hope that the verdict brings the victims' families, and our personnel involved, a measure of justice for those whose lives were lost." 


Shapiro: Guilty verdict is a step toward justice

Gov. Josh Shapiro called the guilty verdict a step toward justice but said the "horror and pain" of the day will never go away.

"My heart remains with the families of the 11 victims who were massacred as they worshipped at Tree of Life that day. May their memories be a blessing," he said in a Tweet.


Leaders from 3 congregations reflect on guilty verdict

Jewish community leaders spoke to the media Friday afternoon, saying while they were processing several emotions, many of them felt some relief after the guilty verdict.  

Leaders from the three congregations that worshipped in the synagogue -- Congregation Dor Hadash, New Light Congregation and Tree of Life Congregation -- thanked the jury, prosecutors and the first responders.

"It's difficult to say the emotions we feel right now," said New Light Congregation co-president Stephen Cohen. "One of relief, obviously, that the jury returned a full verdict of guilty to all 63 counts but there's also a degree of trepidation because this is just the first third of the trial and in a sense, it was the least complicated part. The defense did not argue that he did not do it. The defense presented no defense at all. We don't know what's going to happen in the next two sections of the trial and what the defense will argue and what the jury will hear." 

Before the trial, there was little question that the gunman was guilty. Instead the question has been whether he will be sentenced to death or life in prison.

Congregation Dor Hadash's current president, Jo Recht, said the trial has been retraumatizing but it has also created an opportunity to fight back against antisemitism.

"It is so important that the world was allowed to know the details of what happened that day because the extent of the hatred and violence and antisemitism, it's such an enormous problem and this is an opportunity for people to engage with that and do something to diminish the problem," Recht said. 

State Rep. Dan Frankel, who represents Squirrel Hill, said survivors showed incredible courage and strength during the trial. 

"Let us remember that these survivors reopened these wounds for us, for humanity, because there has to be a record," Frankel said.

"Hate is not a dragon that we slay but a wildfire that we battle back to its embers only to battle tomorrow as errant sparks fly up again and again," he added. 

Tree of Life Congregation president Alan Hausman thanked everyone who has supported the Jewish community since Oct. 27, 2018, saying it gives him strength to move forward. 


Jewish Family and Community Services offering counseling and resources

Jewish Family and Community Services said trauma from the attack is deep and its therapists will continue to provide counseling and resources to help bereaved and injured witnesses and families. 

"Today, we stand together as a community in the wake of the guilty verdict in the trial of the synagogue shooter. While the judicial process continues forward towards sentencing, we remain committed to the therapeutic support for bereaved and injured families.

"Over the past few weeks, we stood witness to the pain and trauma endured by the victims and their families. Our therapists stood alongside bereaved families and injured witnesses providing support through days of harrowing testimony. The trauma of the lived experience of the shooting is deep and our priority is to provide therapeutic support to those who need it most.

"In the coming weeks, we will continue our efforts to ensure accessible and comprehensive therapeutic services in the courtroom. Our team of highly trained professionals will continue to provide counseling, trauma-informed care, and resources to support bereaved and injured witnesses and families.

"Therapeutic support is available for all those who are impacted by the shooting - please reach out on to request assistance."


Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh stands with families, witnesses and first responders

The Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh expressed solidarity with those most directly impacted by the shooting and thanked the Pittsburgh area for standing with the community since the attack. 

"The Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh continues to stand with the families, witnesses, and first responder community most directly impacted by the deadly synagogue shooting over 4 ½ years ago – many of whom provided direct testimony over the past several weeks. We thank the staff from the U.S. Attorney's Office for their rigorous prosecution and the members of the jury who are fulfilling their civic duty. 

"We acknowledge that today's verdict is just the first phase of this lengthy trial, as we now begin the penalty phase that will continue through the summer. 

"We also recognize that the impact of this shooting extends far beyond those most directly impacted within American society and the Jewish people. We especially thank the citizenry of the greater Pittsburgh region for standing with the Jewish community since October 27, 2018 and supporting our communal efforts towards healing and resiliency. 

"We are mindful that while the impact of this event has far reaching implications on a national and global stage, it will forever remain a deeply personal and lasting experience in our neighborhood. May the memories of the 11 individuals taken from us that day forever be for a blessing."


American Jewish Committee: 'Justice is served'

The American Jewish Committee released a statement saying while justice has been served, it doesn't bring back the 11 people killed in the attack. 

"Justice has been served. We realize it does little to ease the pain for the families and friends of the 11 people murdered at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh simply for being Jewish and practicing their faith. However, we hope this verdict allows them to continue the slow process of healing if not closure. The memories of those taken will always be a blessing. Countering the antisemitic hate that invaded their sacred and joyous space must be the job for all of society, not just the Jewish community," the statement read. 


Tree of Life survivor, leaders express hope for healing

Members of the Tree of Life Congregation expressed gratitude and hope after the guilty verdict. 

Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, who survived the attack, praised God and thanked the U.S. attorneys who led the prosecution.

"I am grateful to God for getting us to this day. And I am thankful for the law enforcement who ran into danger to rescue me, and the U.S. Attorney who stood up in court to defend my right to pray. Today I'm focused on being with my congregation and praying, singing and clapping in praise of God as we do each Shabbat. In the face of the horror of our community has experienced, I can think of no better response than practicing my Jewish faith and leading worship," Myers said.

Tree of Life CEO Carole Zawatsky offered support for survivors and the victims' families.

"While the verdict will not bring back your loved ones who were so violently killed, my hope is that today provides some level of comfort and helps to ease the pain, even if ever so slightly. May their memories always be for a blessing. Let us, this day, reaffirm our resolve to bring light into our world and keep the memory of each of the victims in our hearts as we do the work of Tikkun HaOlam, repairing our broken world," Zawatsky said.

Tree of Life Congregation president Alan Hausman recalled a quote from Fred Rogers, saying he's looked for people who have offered support after the attack.

"I am thankful for everyone who got us to this day. Every day for the past four and a half years, I've tried to look for the helpers: the public safety department and law enforcement officers, the attorneys, our fellow Pittsburgers who have continued to offer their care and support day in and day out. The way our community and people of all faiths came together after October 27, 2018, has helped me and continues to inspire me and give me strength as we move forward," Hausman said.

Michael Bernstein, the chair of the Tree of Life interim governance committee said Friday marked the beginning of a hopeful chapter for the community.

"Our community has been waiting a long time for this day. We are grateful to the Justice Department and the jury for their work to get us to a verdict. Today is a reminder that we live in a nation where vulnerable communities can be confident that those who engage in hate-fueled violence will be held accountable. It also marks the start of a new chapter for our community as we continue to heal and move forward as work to build a world in which hate no longer impacts any community. As the legal process continues, our energies will lie in building a better future for all as a part of the collaborative movement across communities and generations to uproot antisemitism and identity-based hate in all its forms," Bernstein said. 

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