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Raymond Clark III, a Yale University animal research technician, was arrested Sept. 17, 2009 and charged with murdering Yale grad student Annie Le. Le's body was found stuffed behind a wall on Sept. 13, 2009, in the same laboratory where Clark worked.
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After an initial analysis of Clark's DNA, he was arrested Sept. 17, 2009 for Annie Le's murder. Police hope to compare DNA taken from Raymond Clark's hair, fingernails and saliva to more than 150 pieces of evidence collected from the crime scene where Annie Le's body was found. That evidence may also be compared at a state lab with DNA samples given voluntarily from other people with access to the crime scene.
Raymond Clark III, seen here in a white striped shirt, was arrested and charged with murdering Yale grad student Annie Le on Sept. 17, 2009. Clark was originally taken into custody on Sept. 15, 2009, at his apartment in Middletown, Conn. He was later released into the custody of his attorney about 3 a.m. on Sept. 16, according to New Haven police.
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More than 20 police officers and FBI agents searched the apartment of Raymond Clark III on Sept 15, 2009. As they led him away, neighbors leaned over the building's iron railing and cheered. He was released the next day after police said he was complying with the investigation. The 24-year-old was then arrested Sept. 17, 2009 and charged with murdering Yale grad student Annie Le.
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Raymond Clark III, a Yale University animal research technician, was arrested Sept. 17, 2009 and charged with murdering Yale grad student Annie Le. Le's body was found stuffed behind a wall on Sept. 13, 2009, in the same laboratory where Clark worked.
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Jennifer Hromadka, fianc
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After an initial analysis of Raymond Clark's DNA, he was arrested Sept. 17, 2009 for Annie Le's murder. Police hope to compare DNA taken from Raymond Clark's hair, fingernails and saliva to more than 150 pieces of evidence collected from the crime scene where Annie Le's body was found. That evidence may also be compared at a state lab with DNA samples given voluntarily from other people with access to the crime scene.
AP/The Middletown Press, Matt Kabel
Raymond Clark, 24, wearing white a T-shirt, is driven away from an apartment building by police on Tuesday Sept. 15, 2009, in Middletown. At that time, police had called him a "person of interest" in the slaying of Yale graduate student Annie Le. He was released the following day, then arrested the day after that for the killing after police compared his DNA to evidence from the crime scene.
AP/The Middletown Press, Matt Kabel
More than 20 police officers and FBI agents searched the apartment of Raymond Clark III on Sept 15, 2009. As they led him away, neighbors leaned over the building's iron railing and cheered. He was released the next day after police said he was complying with the investigation. The 24-year-old was then arrested Sept. 17, 2009 and charged with murdering Yale grad student Annie Le.
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According to Raymond Clark and his fianc
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Police are hoping to compare DNA taken from Raymond Clark's hair, fingernails and saliva to more than 150 pieces of evidence collected from the crime scene where Annie Le's body was found. That evidence may also be compared at a state lab with DNA samples given voluntarily from other people with access to the crime scene.
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New Haven Police Chief James Lewis told CBS affiliate WFSB Hartford that Raymond Clark III, seen here, was at the police station the night of Sept. 15, 2009, but that he had not been arrested. He was released the next day after police said he was complying with their investigation, then arrested on Sept. 17, 2009 and charged with murdering Yale grad student Annie Le.
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Clark was arrested on Sept. 17, 2009 and charged with murdering Yale grad student Annie Le, a Yale graduate student whose body was found Sept. 13, 2009 inside the building where both she and Clark worked.
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A large amount of physical evidence had been collected from the lab where Yale graduate student Annie Le's body was found and Raymond Clark's DNA would be compared to that evidence, police told CBS affiliate WFSB Hartford. Both Clark and Le worked in the building.
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Raymond Clark was released from police custody at about 3 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2009, according to CBS affiliate WFSB Hartford. He was named a "person of interest" by the New Haven Police in the killing of Annie Le, then arrested on Sept. 17, 2009 and charged with murdering the grad student.
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In this personal photo, Raymond Clark is wearing lab scrubs and appears to be at work. Clark is a lab technician at the Yale Animal Research Center, where Annie Le's body was found behind a wall on Sept. 13, 2009.
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Raymond Clark's fianc
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Neighbors said that Jennifer Hromadka, 23, was seen moving things out of Raymond Clark's Middletown, Conn., apartment on Monday, Sept. 14, 2009 and bringing take-out food into the building the next day, according to CBS affiliate WFSB Hartford. Clark was taken into custody Sept. 15 while police searched for DNA and other evidence. The 24-year-old was arrested on Sept. 17, 2009 and charged with murdering Annie Le.
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In a May 15, 2008 MySpace blog post by Raymond Clark's fianc
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Yale University employee Raymond Clark was arrested on Sept. 17, 2009 and charged with the murder of grad student Annie Le. Police are currently testing his DNA to see if it matches evidence from the crime scene.