The fourth installment of the "Terminator" series follows an adult John Connor (Christian Bale) as he attempts to organize a human resistance force which could prove to be humankind's last true hope for survival in the war against their intelligent robot overlords.
Opening in the year 2018, "Terminator Salvation" finds John Connor's certainty about the future shaken by the sudden appearance of a mysterious stranger named Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), whose last memory is of sitting on death row awaiting execution.
Anton Yelchin (pictured with Sam Worthington) fills Michael Biehn's shoes as a young Kyle Reese in what is planned to be a new "Terminator" trilogy from director McG.
Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington) overlooks the post-Judgment Day destruction of the Los Angeles basin. Unable to determine whether Marcus was sent from the future or rescued from the past, Connor begins to wonder whether there is still any hope left for the human race, as the robots grow more powerful and aggressive than ever before.
The T-800 Terminator from "Terminator Salvation." It appears that Skynet is preparing a devastating final attack designed to eliminate the human resistance forces once and for all.
A Hunter Killer Terminator attacks from a scene from "Terminator Salvation."
Esodie Geigor-Movestrand (center) as the Transmitter Technician and Christian Bale as John Connor in "Terminator Salvation."
A pair of Moto-Terminators in attack mode from "Terminator Salvation."
A Harvester Terminator on the attack with a Transporter Terminator hovering nearby, from "Terminator Salvation."
John Connor (Christian Bale) sneaks up behind a T-600 Terminator in "Terminator Salvation."
John Connor (Christian Bale) finishes off a Terminator in "Terminator Salvation."
Moon Bloodgood as Blair Williams in "Terminator Salvation."
A scene from Warner Bros. Pictures' action/sci-fi feature "Terminator Salvation."
Jane Alexander as Virginia, Jadagrace as Star and Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese in "Terminator Salvation."
John Connor (Christian Bale) gets a closer look at the Hydrobot Terminator in "Terminator Salvation."
Michael Ironside (left) as General Ashdown and Christian Bale as John Connor in "Terminator Salvation."
Bryce Dallas Howard as Kate Connor in "Terminator Salvation."
Common as Barnes, Christian Bale as John Connor and Sam Worthington as Marcus Wright in "Terminator Salvation."
Christian Bale (left) as John Connor, Jadagrace as Star and Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese in "Terminator Salvation."
T-800 Terminator walks past an assembly line of Terminators in "Terminator Salvation."