A Sudanese woman carries her luggage on a donkey as she leaves Zam Zam camp, in North Darfur, Sudan, where more than 40,000 displaced people receive food and shelter from international aid agencies, Aug. 31, 2004.
Sudanese workers stand outside the Sudanese Red Crescent compound in al-Fasher, North Darfur, Sudan, Aug. 31, 2004. The United Nations has put a helicopter on standby and set up a crisis management center to find eight missing aid workers, three from WFP and five from Sudanese Red Crescent, in rebel-controlled territory in the conflict-torn region of Darfur.
A Sudanese displaced woman is silhouetted as she carries firewood at Abu Shouk camp, in North Darfur, Sudan, Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2004.
A displaced Sudanese child is immunized against measles at Abu Shouk camp, in North Darfur, Sudan, where more than 40,000 displaced Sudanese receive food and shelter from international aid agencies, Monday, Aug. 30, 2004.
Sudanese villagers waiting for food distribution in the Sudanese Liberation Army (SLA) controlled village of Deesa, north of al-Fasher, Darfur, Sudan, Aug. 30, 2004, in this picture released by the World Food Programme (WFP).
Sudanese workers carry packages of wheat from USAID in the Sudanese Liberation Army (SLA) controlled village of Deesa, north of al-Fasher, Darfur, Sudan, Aug. 30, 2004, in this picture released by the World Food Programme (WFP).
Sudanese displaced women carry firewood at Abu Shouk camp, in north Darfur, Sudan, where more than 40,000 displaced people receive food and shelter from international aid agencies, Aug. 30, 2004.
A Sudanese displaced woman carries her child outside her hut at Abu Shouk camp, in North Darfur, Sudan, Aug. 30, 2004, where more than 40,000 displaced people receive food and shelter from international aid agencies.
AP Photo
More than 100,0000 Sudanese protesters in Khartoum, Aug 4, 2004, march to the office of the United Nations in Khartoum to protest a UN Security Council resolution that gives Sudan 30 days to stop the violence of Arab militia in Darfur province.
A Sudanese family in Morni camp, Aug 4, 2004, wait for humanitarian aid, along with thousands of other displaced people in the camp outside Aljinena, capital of western Darfur region.
A Sudanese family in Morni camp, Aug 4, 2004,wait for humanitarian aid, along with thousands of other displaced people in the camp.
Sudanese refugees wait to board a truck that would take them to a temporary camp located in Chad some 31 miles from the border with Sudan, in this recent but undated photo released by the WFP in Rome Wednesday, July 28, 2004.
Sudanese displaced women sit outside their shelter in Birdageig Internally Displaced People's camp, outside El Geneina, in Western Darfur, Sudan, July 28, 2004. The European Union has threatened Sudan with "imminent" U.N. sanctions if it does not end the conflict in its western Darfur region that has killed tens of thousands, but Sudan said the threats would only damage peace efforts.
A Sudanese displaced family at the market in the Riyadh Internally Displaced People's camp, outside El Geneina, in Western Darfur, Sudan, Sudan, July 28, 2004.
Founders of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream - Jerry Greenfield, left, and Ben Cohen - protest in front of Sudan's embassy, July 29, 2004, in Washington. They were demanding stronger international action against Arab militias have been staging a brutal campaign to drive out black African farmers, killing at least 30,000 civilians. Cohen and Greenfield were later arrested on the steps of the embassy.
Sudanese refugees stand outside their temporary shelters near Birak, Chad, in this recent but undated photo released in Rome, July 28, 2004. While talk of international sanctions and military intervention grows, aid groups and U.N. officials say that ethnic cleansing in the region of Darfur, Sudan, - described by some as genocide - has killed 30,000 people, most of them black villagers, and threatens 2 million more.
AP Photo/Karel Prinsloo
Sudanese displaced women at the Zam Zam refugee camp just outside the town of El-Fashir in the Darfour region of Sudan, July 1, 2004, await a visit by U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan.
Children in the refugee camp Abu Shok, outside El Fasher in western Sudan, June 25, 2004, get a visit from Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey. Calmy-Rey is on a four day visit in Sudan to visit refugee camps in the Darfur Region, where the Swiss foreign ministry is supporting refugee camps threatened by the ongoing south Sudanese conflict.
A malnourished Sudanese refugee girl receives medical attention, March 8, 2004, at a Medecins sans Frontires hospital in eastern Chad, bordering Sudan. A year-long rebellion in western Sudan has forced more than 600,000 people to flee their homes in Sudan's Darfur region. Two rebels groups, the Sudan Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement, say are fighting for a greater share of wealth and power in Sudan.
Martha Halim, 13, who suffers from a rare affliction called "nodding disease," sits with siblings at her family home in Kacnguan in southern Sudan, Nov. 24, 2003. Young victims of the disease usually nod vigorously at the sight of food, and later symptoms include severe epileptic seizures and finally death.