Pyramidal neurons are located in the forebrain of mammals and associated with the process cognitive function. This is a computer-simulated picture of how they would look in real life.
False-colored scanning electron micrograph of a honeybee.
If this color-enhanced image of periodontal bacteria doesn't convince you to brush twice a day AND visit a dentist regularly, then you're simply hopeless.
Rows of suckers on the foreleg of a great diving beetle - the largest freshwater beetles in the United Kingdom. This image was produced by passing light through colored filters.
The base of a silkworm caterpillar's proleg. These are stubby structures that grow from the underside of the caterpillar's abdomen but disappear as the caterpillar grows.
Retina from the eye of a three-day-old zebrafish. The retina is viewed here from the front.
An adult male mosquito never looked so good - especially considering how sample used for this image was taken from a microscope slide created in the middle of the 20th century.
Underside of a band-aid used to treat a razor blade cut.
3-D animation of the developing organs in a mouse embryo. The picture was created from optical projection tomography data.
Adult ruby-tailed wasp curled into a ball. Two electronic flashes added extra imaging to highlight the wasp's colors.
3D reconstruction of a mouse embryo at the blastocyst stage.
Fluorescent proteins in the stem of a thale cress seedling. It also was the first plant to have its entire genome sequenced.
Surgeons using a specialized camera to perform a laparoscopy, an operation in which small, thin instruments get placed into the patient's abdomen via small incisions.
A view of a popliteal aneurysm taken from CT scans of an 84-year-old man undergoing treatment. You can see the aneurysm in the center frame, with its reddish-blue appearance and eggshell-like boundary.
Retina from a one-month-old juvenile mouse.The image was created by 'stitching' and then aligning six smaller images.
Wheat stigma hairs (blue) infected with ergot fungus (light pink).
Cavefish embryo at around five days post-fertilization.
Fetal mouse kidney at embryonic day 16.
The neuronal tracts in the brain of an adult male.
Scanning electron micrograph of the scales on the wing of a Madagascan moon moth.