"On the Road" in Liberia
Steve Hartman traveled to Liberia to get the story of two men working to make a difference there, Joel Willie and Ben Taylor
"On the Road" in Liberia
Joel's two youngest children. He's the father of seven.
"On the Road" in Liberia
Joel's oldest children making lunch.
"On the Road" in Liberia
A Liberian boy sells pineapple in Monrovia.
"On the Road" in Liberia
One of the women who received a microloan from Joel and Ben. She used it to open a market in her community.
"On the Road" in Liberia
A school in West Point, Monrovia.
"On the Road" in Liberia
Steve talks to Joel about the first batch of photos he took.
"On the Road" in Liberia
Women in Joel's community thank Ben for the microloans he is helping fund in their community.
"On the Road" in Liberia
Ben flies the first drone in Joel's community. The kids loved it.
"On the Road" in Liberia
Some of the students who have gotten help from Joel and Ben, thanks to proceeds from the book "By D Grace of God," which features photographs taken by Joel.
"On the Road" in Liberia
A classroom full of students in Liberia.
"On the Road" in Liberia
School children that received Ben and Joel's donations.
"On the Road" in Liberia
Steve Hartman, Joel Willie, and Ben Taylor.
"On the Road" in Liberia
Steve Hartman with Joel Willie, Ben Taylor and members of the CBS Evening News team.