Natalie Portman's Sexy "Black Swan" Workout
In the images that follow, New York City-based Bowers walks us through her trademark "Ballet Beautiful" workout. So if you're up for it, wriggle into your leotards and follow along...
Basic Stretch
To start, kneel and then bend one knee toward the hip and stretch the other leg out behind you. Lift up through your chest, and brace yourself with your hands to make sure you don't go beyond your range of motion.
Beginner? Take it slow. Your flexibility will increase over time.
WATCH: Interview with Mary Helen Bowers
Abs with a Twist
To start, sit on the floor with your legs slightly bent. Open the arms to what ballet dancers call the "first position," pulling in the stomach. Twist to one side, keeping your chest open and your abs engaged. Lift and change sides, pulling in with your stomach the entire time.
Repeat 30 times.
WATCH: Interview with Mary Helen Bowers
Attitude Lifts
Repeat 30 times, and then change legs.
WATCH: Interview with Mary Helen Bowers
To start, sit with your hands on the floor just behind your hips. Place your feet in front of you with knees bent. Keep your chest open and stomach pulled flat. (Beginners can keep hands facing front toward the toes and feet flat and on the floor.) Pull in, and lift the hips off the floor, stretching the elbows. Bend the elbows slightly and straighten.
Repeat 30 times.
WATCH: Interview with Mary Helen Bowers
Arabesque Extensions
Keeping your chest open and your stomach pulled in, extend one leg straight behind you (hold a chair or wall for support, if necessary). Raise the extended leg behind you, pulling in through your stomach. Bend the standing knee, keeping lifted through the chest. Straighten the standing knee, and then bend again, keeping the leg lifted.
Repeat 30 times, and then change legs.
WATCH: Interview with Mary Helen Bowers
Sphinx Stretch
Bend the back leg and lift the foot slowly toward your upper body. Keep lifted through your upper body. Change legs and repeat on the other side.
WATCH: Interview with Mary Helen Bowers
Swan Arms, Start Position
Begin by sitting or standing up straight and then pulling in the stomach and "opening" the chest. Keeping your neck extended, stretch your arms to the sides. Drop and bend the elbows, lowering the arms.
WATCH: Interview with Mary Helen Bowers
Swan Arms, End Position
WATCH: Interview with Mary Helen Bowers