Loved ones lost to COVID-19
As we near the end of 2020, the United States has suffered (according to Johns Hopkins University) 18.8 million cases of coronavirus, and more than 330,000 deaths. As daunting as those numbers are, they are more than just numbers – they are husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, aunts and uncles, friends and neighbors.
The following are photos, submitted by '"Sunday Morning" viewers, of just a small sample of our community that we have lost to COVID-19.
Pictured: Americo Oquendo, 84, Illinois.
Angelos Stamatelatos
Angelos Stamatelatos (left), 72, New York.
Barbara Jean Johnson
Barbara Jean Johnson, 75, Minnesota.
Benigno Hurtado
Benigno Hurtado, 57, Oregon.
Benjamin Schaeffer
Benjamin Schaeffer, 58, New York.
Brandy Houser
Brandy Houser, 41, California.
Ralph and Nick Ggismondi
Brothers Ralph Gismondi, 68, New York; and Nick Gismondi, 65, New Jersey.
Bryan Vaughan
Bryan Vaughan, 41, Texas.
Carol Geretschlaeger
Carol Geretschlaeger, 80, Minnesota.
Chad Dorrill
Chad Dorrill, 19, North Carolina.
Charlene Struck
Charlene Struck, 74, Nevada.
Col. Augustin Gomez, M.D.
Col. Augustin Gomez, M.D., 78, New Jersey.
David F. Akridge
David F. Akridge, 69, Kentucky.
Diane Butler
Diane Butler, 66, Wisconsin.
Dr. Dennis Pyne
Dr. Dennis Pyne, 73, Kingston, Jamaica.
Dr. Maima Darbah Fahnbulleh
Dr. Maima Darbah Fahnbulleh, 73, Maryland.
James Chapman and Teresa Stansbury
Father and daughter James Chapman, 83, Virginia; and Teresa Stansbury, 62, North Carolina.
G. Timothy Haney
G. Timothy Haney, 70, Ohio.
Gary Serafini
Gary Serafini, 72, Michigan.
Gary Young
Gary Young, 66, California.
Angel and Rina Andrade
Husband and wife Angel Andrade, 80, and Rina Andrade, 80, New York.
Antonio and Estelita Solomon
Husband and wife Antonio and Estelita Solomon, 71 and 72, New York.
Jack A. Bartholomew
Jack A. Bartholomew, 91, Pennsylvania.
James McIntyre
James McIntyre, 70, Florida.
Jerry Aldridge Sr.
Jerry Aldridge Sr., 65, Georgia.
Jim Raymer
Jim Raymer, 65, Illinois.
Joe Silveira
Joe Silveira, 73, California.
John and Judy Trzebiatowski
John and Judy Trzebiatowski, 74 and 71, Wisconsin.
Jorge Vilchez
Jorge Vilchez, 76, New Jersey.
Kenneth and Maureen Ciolek
Kenneth and Maureen Ciolek, 73, and 70, New Jersey.
Larry Grouse Cummings
Larry Grouse Cummings, 76, Michigan.
Lillian Beiner
Lillian Beiner, 101, Connecticut.
Louis Sarrel
Louis Sarrel, 58, New Jersey.
Louise Ann Richards
Louise Ann Richards, 94, Pennsylvania.
Marcella Cannon
Marcella Cannon, 89, Mississippi.
Marilu Lopez Santiago
Marilu Lopez Santiago, 69, New York.
Mario Joseph Forte Jr.
Mario Joseph Forte Jr., 68, New York.
Mark Ferrari
Mark Ferrari, 73, New York.
Mark Urquiza
Mark Urquiza, 65, Arizona.
Marvin Delgado
Marvin Delgado, 67, Florida.
Mechell Fleming
Mechell Fleming, 64, Virginia.
Meryl Sabat
Meryl Sabat, 92, New Jersey.
Mireya Vargas Cardona
Mireya Vargas Cardona, 62, New York.
Nick Zettler
Nick Zettler, 66, Colorado.
Pantaleon Omar Martinez
Pantaleon Omar Martinez, 63, Illinois.
Perry Buchalter
Perry Buchalter, 63, Florida.
Pradip Shah
Pradip Shah, 62, New Jersey.
Ronda Kay Ward
Ronda Kay Ward, 59, Oklahoma.
Sherri Wasserbach
Sherri Wasserbach, 69, California.
Stuart Cohen
Stuart Cohen, 64, New York.
Teresa Kelley
Teresa Kelley, 70, Georgia.
Terry A. Stasny
Terry A. Stasny, 91, Ohio and West Virginia.
Trine V. Martinez
Trine V. Martinez, 77, Illinois.
Vasilios Doulas
Vasilios Doulas, 69, Illinois.
William W. Boyd
William W. Boyd, 71, Hawaii.