AP Photo/Chris Carlson
French actress Marion Cotillard, right, and Forest Whitaker talk backstage after Cotillard accepted the Oscar for best actress for her work in "La Vie en Rose" the 80th Academy Awards Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008, in Los Angeles. Whitaker enveloped Cotillard in a hug that lasted at least a minute, then they looked at each other and laughed. "I'm shaking, like wow," Cotillard trembled.
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Tilda Swinton was so stunned by her win for supporting actress in "Michael Clayton" that she could only keep repeating "wow, wow" as she walked offstage. Presenter Alan Arkin chased her with the winner's envelope. "Oh yes, this is the proof," Swinton said, leaving arm-in-arm with Arkin.
AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill
Katherine Heigl presents the award for achievement in makeup at the 80th Academy Awards at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008. The actress wasn't kidding when she told the Oscar audience she was nervous. Behind the scenes, a stagehand asked if she was OK. "I just need a cigarette," she said, bumming one from a security guard and heading out to a loading dock.
AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill
Actress Cameron Diaz presents the Oscar for achievement in cinematography at the 80th Academy Awards at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008. Diaz also had a bad moment when she couldn't quite say the word "cinematography" on stage, and she was slow to recover from the flub afterward. "I couldn't say my category," Diaz said to Amy Adams. "You did great," Adams reassured.
Shoe Business
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Presenter Jennifer Garner watches the show on a screen backstage with stage manager Dency Nelson. As she prepared to take the stage, Garner confessed to Nelson she wanted to take off her shoes. "We could do it," he said. Instead, she looked up and said, "I didn't mean it, karmic dressing gods," and walked in a small circle. "I'm just going to make sure I'm not going to fall," remembering a near fall onstage last year.
AP Photo/Amy Sancetta
One of actress Renee Zellweger's silver Christian Louboutins peeks out from the slit of her silver Carolina Herrera gown. Later, when Johnny Depp ran into her, the shoes were slung over her shoulder. "I like your shoes," Depp said. "Thanks man," Zellweger replied. "I used to like the shoes."
Practice Makes Perfect
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Presenter Miley Cyrus, right, is seen backstage going over her lines during the 80th Academy Awards in Los Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008.
Tom's Touch Up
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Actor Tom Hanks reviews the script before going on stage at the 80th Academy Awards in Los Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008. Hanks got a bit of powder from a makeup artist in the view of backstage photographers. "Boys, get a picture of this. It's so masculine," he said, adding in nasally voice: "Oh look, Hanks is getting his face powdered at the Academy Awards. He stormed Normandy Beach in 'Saving Private Ryan.'"
In The Wings
AP Photo/Chris Carson
Amy Adams met her "Charlie Wilson's War" co-star Tom Hanks in the wings of the Kodak. Hanks complimented Adams on her outfit and her performance of "Happy Working Song." "I'm so relieved," she said. Hanks said that as he watched her he thought, "Wow, they make her do it all by herself." "No costume, no anything," she replied. "It's like, 'Sell it, girl.'"
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
British actor Daniel Day-Lewis, left, is congratulated backstage by Director Martin Scorsese after winning the Oscar for best actor for his work in "There Will Be Blood" during the 80th Academy Awards in Los Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008.
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Presenters Katherine Heigl, left, and Jessica Alba talk along with Cash Warren, backstage during the 80th Academy Awards in Los Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008.
Stolen Moments
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Presenter Nicole Kidman, right, and honorary Oscar recipient art director Robert Boyle talk backstage during the 80th Academy Awards in Los Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008. Kidman presented him with the award.
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Keri Russell prepares to go onstage during the 80th Academy Awards in Los Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008.
Star Gatherings
AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill
The restroom just offstage was a Kodak Theatre hotspot. Jessica Alba and Forest Whitaker waited in line, and Javier Bardem brought his Oscar inside with him. First-time presenters Jonah Hill, left, and Seth Rogen, passed the crowd on the way to the stage, but Hill paused and thought better of it and joined the lineup.
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Australian actress Cate Blanchett, background right, and Spanish actress Penelope Cruz speak backstage during the 80th Academy Awards in Los Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008. Cruz also mingled with her sister, Monica, Miley Cyrus, Johnny Depp and companion Vanessa Paradis, and Forest Whitaker in the green room, where many of the stars gathered during the show.
That's A Wrap
AP Photo/Chris Carlson
When the curtain fell, host Jon Stewart and his writing staff gathered on stage. "You did such an awesome job, great job, really, really nice job," Stewart said before posing with the crew. Fourteen-time Oscar telecast producer Gil Cates, left, joined them. "Guys I gotta hug all of you. I think I'm older than all of you put together," Cates said.