Clyde Conn and Joe Gammalo, both 73 now, didn't know each other when they were diagnosed with the same unknown lung disease. After being put on the transplant list in December 2007 and May 2008 respectively, they both received a call on July 31, 2008 that they would be receiving one lung each from the same donor.
The two share a unique bond and have become what they call "lung brothers."
Clyde Conn (left), Joe Gammalo and their wives reunite at a Cleveland Clinic event for lung transplant survivors.
Conn and Gammalo met each other when they were recovering in the intensive care unit at Cleveland Clinic from their lung transplant surgeries in August 2008.
Joe in the hospital after his lung transplant surgery in August 2008.
Both men's surgeries have been a success. Gammalo was even able to perform on stage with his son's band during a Cleveland Clinic dinner held for lung transplant survivors during September 2012.
Gammalo jams with his son, Tony.
Gammalo played with his son Tony's band, the Spazmatics, onstage.
Gammalo (left) and Conn celebrate their one year lung transplant anniversary together.
Gammalo (left), Conn and their wives pose during their one year lung transplant anniversary get together.