AP Photo
Young John F. Kennedy, his brother and three sisters are shown with their mother, Rose Kennedy, in a 1923 picture from the Kennedy family album. The children are, from left, Eunice, Kathleen, Rosemary, John, and Joseph, Jr.
Here is John F. Kennedy as he appeared in the football uniform of the Dexter School, a private elementary school in Brookline, Mass. The picture was taken in 1927.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy pose with their nine children in Bronxville, N.Y., 1938. From left are, seated: Eunice, Jean, Edward (on lap of his father), Patricia, and Kathleen. Standing: Rosemary, Robert, John, Mrs. Kennedy, and Joseph, Jr.
The Kennedy males in Boston, left to right, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., Robert F., and John, Dec. 12, 1939.
A portrait of John F. Kennedy copied from the Harvard Yearbook, class of 1940.
AP Photo
U.S. Navy skipper John F. Kennedy of P.T. Boat 109, in the South Pacific during World War II, June 1, 1943.
Lt. John F. Kennedy smiles at the Stork Club in New York City, Feb. 9, 1944.
A youthful John F. Kennedy is shown campaigning for Congress from Massachusetts' 11th District in 1946.
Sen. John F. Kennedy, D-Mass., and his bride, the former Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, leave St. Mary's Catholic Church following their wedding in Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953. Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston officiated at the ceremony.
After recently undergoing a spinal operation resulting from combat injuries sustained during World War II, Sen. John F. Kennedy, D-Mass., is escorted by his wife, left, nurse Mary Virtue, and an attendant as he is taken from a hospital in New York, Dec. 21, 1954. Sen. Kennedy had to rest for several months before resuming his duties in Washington.
Sen. John F. Kennedy, D-Mass, poses with his wife Jacqueline, and their 11-month-old daughter Caroline, during a visit to Hyannis Port, Cape Cod, Oct. 4, 1958. The family was visiting the summer home of the senator's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy.
Jacqueline and John F. Kennedy walk in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., April 1, 1960.
John F. Kennedy holds his daughter Caroline while posing beside his wife, Jacqueline, at Hyannis Port, Mass., in November 1960.
Jacqueline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy aboard an aircraft arriving in California during the primary campaign in 1960. It is among the photos in "Remembering Jack: Intimate and Unseen Photographs of the Kennedys," by John F. Kennedy's personal photographer, Jacques Lowe.
Sen. John F. Kennedy, D-Mass., is seen wearing a hat as he puts on his coat at Mitchell Airport before flying to Omaha from Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 21, 1960. Kennedy formally announced that day his intention to enter the April 5 Wisconsin presidential preference primary.
Sen. John F. Kennedy makes his way through a crowd of supporters and journalists as he arrives in Los Angeles July 9, 1960, for the Democratic National Convention.
Sen. John F. Kennedy tells Democratic convention delegates, "we will carry the fight to the people in the fall and we shall win," during a brief appearance on the rostrum of the Los Angeles Sports Arena where he was nominated as the party's presidential candidate, July 14, 1960. Standing beside him are his sister, Mrs. Peter Lawford, and Leonard Reinsch, convention director.
Presidential nominee Sen. John Kennedy, right, talks with his running mate Sen. Lyndon Johnson, D-Texas, at a party breakfast in Los Angeles, July 16, 1960.
John F. Kennedy campaigns in New York City with his wife Jackie, October 1960.
Sen. John F. Kennedy gestures during a debate with Richard Nixon in a New York studio, Oct. 21, 1960.