The main entrance of the Crown Plaza Resort in Freeport, Bahamas, is shown completely shattered by the strong winds of Hurricane Frances, Sept. 6, 2004. Millions of dollars in repairs will likely have to be made to hotels that are the lifeblood of the Bahamian economy, and it could take weeks or months for some of the most damaged hotels to recover.
Debris and furniture litter the area where Amanda Rolle's house once stood on a hill, Sept. 5, 2004 in the United Estates district of San Salvador in the central Bahama Islands.
Workers clean up the streets after the passage of Hurricane Frances in Freeport, Bahamas, Sept. 5, 2004.
Cars are blanketed in driftwood in the aftermath of Hurricane Frances at an industrial park in Freeport, Bahamas, Sept. 5, 2004.
Samantha Carey, 13, collects water in a bucket from an outdoor faucet on Podoleo Street as her friend Alexandria Stuart, 17, tries to protect her face from the rain, Sept. 4, 2004 in Nassau, Bahamas.
Bill McGomigal, 37, of Cleveland, Ohio, assesses the damage left by Hurricane Frances to his rented seaside home at the Queen's Cove neighborhood in Freeport, Bahamas, Sept. 5, 2004.
Haitian sloops rock around in rough seas in front of the Atlantis Paradise Island resort, Sept. 3, 2004 as Hurricane Frances passes close to the island of New Providence in the Bahamas.
The parking lot of the Grand Bahama International Airport is flooded as Hurricane Frances passes over Freeport, Bahamas, Sept. 4, 2004.