KEY WEST, July 5 - A crowd gathers in Key West, Fla., on July 5, 2007, to see what Dave Price has in store for his first stop on his "Great American Vacation."
KEY WEST, July 5 - Dave Price turns a dark shade of red as he successfully blows into a conch shell in Key West, Fla.
KEY WEST, July 5 - A man walks across a tight-rope behind Dave Price as hundreds of fans turned out to support The Early Show's visit to Key West.
KEY WEST, July 5 - A trip to Key West isn't complete without a visit to Kermit's Key Lime Pies. Dave Price engulfed his face in this native pie during a pie-eating contest.
KEY WEST, July 5 - Dave Price gave away a trip to the Caribbean to Key West police office Kurt Stephens and his wife, Carol. Kurt teaches the DARE program in Key West and is the president of the Police Athletic League.
KEY WEST, July 5 - Dave Price poses with two of Key West's finest including Kurt Stephens, center, winner of this year's first "Great American Vacation" getaway contest.