Dave made it back to the plaza. But how did he get all the way across the country?
Counting His Cash
Dave set out from Santa Monica, Calif. with just $50, a backpack and some camera gear.
Lots of Work
Dave knew he had to work to make it across the country. A family employed him as a part-time babysitter.
Dave's Manual Labor
Dave also worked at a carwash to pick up a few bucks. During the week Dave also painted windows, fed cattle, cleaned a fraternity bathroom, and a number of other chores for "Early Show" viewers who were following his journey.
Aid for Dave
Dave also got help from many viewers following his path across the country. A trucker offered him a ride from Arizona to New Mexico in his red semi.
Sleep-Deprived Dave
Dave said the time on the road was great, but the sleep-deprivation began to take its toll as the journey neared an end.
Place to Rest His Head?
Dave slept beside a pool, in a fraternity house, on a CBS affiliate's conference room couch, and in a Jeep's backseat during his trip across the country.
Driving Dave
Dave was often driven by viewers. He was not permitted to go past 1,000 miles with any one person. However, a car company paid Dave to take a vehicle from the Denver area to Iowa. He was on his way.
Share the Journey
Dave met several people who were kind enough to offer him a ride part of the way East. He said on "The Early Show" the trip gave him a new appreciation for America and the people who live from coast to coast.
Dave in Minneapolis
Dave had his doubts Thursday about if he would make it back in time. But, in the last 24 hours, he made a final push East using the money he'd made along the way to fund the rest of his travels.
Dave's Big Finish!
Dave arrived via train from Washington, D.C. at Penn Station in New York at 6:51 a.m. Friday morning.
Finishing Touches
Dave crossed the finish line at 8:14 a.m.
Back on the Plaza
Dave told his "Early Show" co-anchors he planned to hug his dog when he got home. He joked that his dog would probably run away because of his stench.
Trip of Change
Dave said the trip gave him a new appreciation of the U.S. "There is nothing nowhere, name the continent that is as beautiful, from one shore to another, from one border to another as our own country. It is simply spectacular," Dave said. "This was a strange, unintended gift, and it's not like I didn't appreciate America before. ... It's really a privilege to stop (and meet) all those people who make up the country."