Big Brother 11
Occupation: Waitress
Strategy: "I'm just going to go in with an open mind, knowing that everyone is going to be manipulative."
RUNNER-UP: Natalie Martinez, 24
Occupation: Store manager
Strategy: "I don't want everyone to figure me out all at once."
EVICTED: Kevin Campbell, 29
Occupation: Graphic designer
Strategy: "I'm just going to be super extra fabulous."
EVICTED: Michelle Noonan, 27
Occupation: Neuroscientist
Strategy: "I'm going to observe everyone and then identify someone I could take to the end."
EVICTED: Jeff Schroeder, 31
Occupation: Advertising salesman
Strategy: "I'm going to go in there and try to play as honest as I can."
EVICTED: Russell Kairouz, 24
Occupation: Mixed martial arts fighter
Strategy: "I'm going to find the next strongest person in the house and align myself with them."
EVICTED: Lydia Tavera, 24
Occupation: Makeup artist
Strategy: "If it would help me to flirt with a guy or a girl, I'm totally for it."
EXPELLED: Chima Simone, 32
Occupation: Freelance journalist
Strategy: "I'm going to be cool, calm and collected -- even though I'm not."
EVICTED: Jessie Godderz, 23
Occupation: Professional bodybuilder
EVICTED: Ronnie Talbott, 30
Occupation: Teacher
Strategy: "I hope to make some alliances with people you wouldn't normally think I would associate with."
EVICTED: Casey Turner, 41
Occupation: Teacher
Strategy: "Not to align with anyone too early. I don't want to be whacked by association. I'm not whack."
EVICTED: Laura Crosby, 21
Occupation: Bikini model
Strategy: "I'm going to be a ticking time bomb. I'm not going in there and acting like a sucker."
EVICTED: Braden Bacha, 28
Occupation: Model-actor
Strategy: "Befriend everyone. If I feel any bad energy, I'll steer clear from those people."