Alan Cumming
The actor told Serena Altschul that he is equally attracted to children's films as he is more grown-up fare. "Some days I want to be, you know, just about esoteric and challenged in a way that I think I'm going to burst. And other times I just want to eat popcorn and laugh."
Cumming told Altschul that the show "kind of completely changed my life." In fact, the notoriety extended far beyond Broadway: "I would go to somewhere in the middle of America, I would go into a cafe and people would say, 'You're the 'Cabaret' guy!' And I'd say, 'Oh, did you see the show?' And they're like, 'No.'"
After being given numerous gay-rights awards, Cumming felt the film spoke to basic human rights. "I think it's about being Scottish, actually. I think we have a really big sense of sniffing out injustice. It's something that's just ingrained into you. 'That's not fair' is like a mantra in my country."