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Would You Use An App To Help Control Your Dreams?

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - Do you suffer from recurring nightmares? Do you wish your dreams were a bit more entertaining?

A new iPhone app aims to help you, CNET's Sree Sreenivasan explained.

Dream control has been the stuff of Hollywood movies like "Inception" and "Dreamscape." An iPhone app named "Sigmund" - created by a Harvard Ph.D student - is designed to program your dreams.

The app works this way: Before you go to bed, you choose from a list of about 1,000 words. The words come in a number of different categories, like "adventure," "sports" and "romance." The app calculates what time you'll reach REM sleep, when you're most likely to be dreaming, and then a soft, female voice repeats your selected words over your iPhone's speaker.

The app is based on a study which suggested that it was possible to alter participants' dreams about a third of the time.

The app costs 99 cents.

Would you use the app? Sound off in our comments section below. 


Sree Sreenivasan is CBS2′s technology expert, appearing every Wednesday morning at 6:50 am to discuss ways to save you time, money and aggravation. He is also a social media blogger for CNET News. He is a professor and Dean of Student Affairs at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. You can find him onTwitter and Facebook  and on his personal siteE-mail your questions with "CBS New York" as the subject line.

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