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Massive Tree Toppled By High Winds Slams Into Car In Mahwah

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- A wind advisory was in effect Wednesday, for most of the Tri-State area.

Powerful winds sent a 100 foot tree crashing to the ground in Mahwah. It landed on a car, crushing it, and critically injuring the 26-year-old driver.

"Really there was no way for her to avoid this accident or to stop in time because it was just out of the blue, this tree just came down and struck her," Mahwah Police Lt. Phillip Tangel explained.

It was a serious weather related accident on a day when bright blue skies and sunshine made it look like a mild spring day. After a few seconds outside, people knew it was anything but.

"We stepped out on the street, and we just got blasted by the wind," Alexandra Storms said.

In Battery park flags, trees, signs, light posts, and even people were blowing in the breeze.

Arlene Egan works for the downtown alliance.

"I cannot stand up where I usually stand over there. I kind of get blown back this way or blown forward," she said.

Strong winds made the water extremely choppy -- so much so that a boat in New York Harbor seemed to move sideways.

Boats were rocking at this Queens Marina, even airplanes had to adjust for the gusty winds at La Guardia Airport.

Some people said it was just another example of how strange our weather has become.

"Seventy-two degrees or something of that nature a couple of weeks ago, then it dropped down by 30 and so on, crazy," Manny Rivera said.

There was a string of 60 degree days in the dead of winter, followed by a snowstorm, and two 50 degree days to start the work week.

"It's only a temporary setback, I'm sure," Patricia Arena said.

Stephanie Reich said all the recent weather and Wednesday's in particular reminds her of how it used to be when she was growing up in Washington Heights.

"The wind came off the Hudson, just like here and I remember the wind jut like ice and knives cutting through my ankles," she said.


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