Westchester Workshop Gives Unemployed Hope For Future
BRONXVILLE, N.Y. (CBS 2) -- The job market is really tough right now, and it's expected to stay that way for a long time.
In Westchester, though, a workshop was held to give those who lost their job in the recession some hope of reinvention.
Steve Marcus was caught up in the major layoffs at the New York Times two years ago, so the Ph.D in industrial psychology is looking for the next step in his career. He turned to the workshop, called "The Great Recession Speakout," for help.
"Hearing trials and tribulations, getting energy and drive to motivate you to go out to see other people, hear other people being successful, making a go of it," Marcus said.
Coaches and media trainers spoke to those currently out of work, or looking to transition to other careers, about the best way to present themselves.
"People who have the hardest time are the ones who are not clear about their core, what they can offer, what is it they are looking for," organizer Pat Drew said.
For some people, the workshop was a way to start thinking outside the box – to think of their career in a new and different way.
"There's everything from duct cleaning to firewood renewal to check cashing – everything under the sun," franchise coach Frank Dunne said. "There's a franchise concept."
Andrea Lazlo was a hedge fun officer who's been out of work for nine months. She said she can often feel weighed down, but the workshops give her the pick-me-up she needs.
"You come to something like this on a Saturday, you feel motivated again," Lazlo said.
Similar workshops also have resources on the Internet, where people can continue the dialogue online.