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WATCH: Devils Hit LA Club Scene After Stanley Cup Loss

NEW YORK (WFAN) -- With the Los Angeles Kings celebrating their first Stanley Cup win in franchise history Monday night, the Devils were forced to settle for less.

Their consolation prize: a night out on the town in Los Angeles.

Several members of the Devils were taped outside the aptly-named AV Nightclub after New Jersey's series-ending Game 6 loss to the Kings.

It was a scene somewhat reminiscent of the Patriots' loss to the Giants in Super Bowl XLVI, after which Patriots players Rob Gronkowski and Matt Light were seen -- and consequently criticized heavily -- partying with the group LMFAO.

TMZ reported the Devils "put on their finest suits and partied their faces off," under the headline, "The Losers Can Party Too." Harvey Levin of TMZ may have spoken for New Jersey fans everywhere when he reacted with a disappointed "Awh!" to the news.

Various moments were also captured and uploaded to YouTube by PopCandies TV:

Devils fans, are you irked by the videos? Be heard in the comments below...

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