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After 10 days of silence, organizer finally gets update from orphanage in Ukraine

Organizer makes contact with Ukrainian orphanage 00:45

NEW YORK -- We have an update on a story we told you about last month involving growing concerns about orphanages in Ukraine. 

Mark Davis, founding director of Abundance International, sent CBS2 a video of sirens blaring through the city of Mykolaiv, which is under attack by Russian forces. 

The organization supports two orphanages in the region, and the Russian military took control of one last week. 

The group didn't hear anything for 10 days, but just got a message from a doctor working there. 

"She says they've got all the kids down in the large basement of the church. They're being cared for, they have enough supplies for now. No one was harmed or injured," Davis said. 

David said the organization has also been able to secure gas and deliver it to hospitals for ambulances.

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