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TV Personality Carson Kressley Speaks Out On Controversial Boy Scout Policy

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- With the news earlier this week that the Boy Scouts of America are considering lifting the ban on gay scouts, leaders and volunteers, many are speaking out on the controversial policy.

In an appearance on WLNY-TV's The Couch, celebrity stylist Carson Kressley - perhaps best known for his role on Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, said it's about time for the group to show acceptance.

"I think you can serve in the military now and be openly gay, I think you can probably be a Boy Scout, too, or a volunteer, and be out, and be proud of who you are," he said.

Kressley was on the program to promote a new film, 'Out In The Open,' in which he appears alongside other celebs to talk about life as a gay American.

"I think people are just coming around to the fact that there's nothing wrong with [being gay]," Kressley said.  "When President Obama's parents got married, that was an illegal marriage because they were an interracial couple...[people] don't remember that."

Under the change now being discussed, the different religious and civic groups that sponsor Scout units would be able to decide for themselves how to address the issue — either maintaining an exclusion of gays or opening up their membership.

"I think the empowering part of coming out is that you're visible to people in your community, whether it's young people or older people. I think kids are more empowered today," Kressley said.

Do you agree with Kressley's comments? Let us know what you think about the potential changes in the comments below.

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