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Trees Helping 9/11 Memorial To Take Shape

NEW YORK (WCBS 880) - An army of construction workers has been installing steel and pouring concrete at the site of the 9/11 memorial.

LISTEN: WCBS 880's Peter Haskell reports

Now, the site will be coming to life as the first trees are being prepped for their trip to Ground Zero.

9/11 memorial vice president Lynn Rasic gave WCBS 880 reporter Peter Haskell the details on the tribute.

"They've already brought in the soil," she said. "And they're actually creating the tree pits that will contain each tree."

The first of the swamp white oaks will be loaded up Friday at a central New Jersey nursery and moved into place over the weekend.

The memorial has already taken shape with the two one-acre reflecting pools fully formed.

The plaza should be completed by 9/11 of 2011.

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