Manhattan Tenants Left Struggling In Fire-Ravaged Building, Landlord Disappears Without Making Repairs
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Manhattan residents say the city and their landlord aren't working fast enough to help repair damage after a fire ravaged their homes.
The damage at the Inwood apartment building is extensive. The fire on Monday caused weakened ceilings to collapse onto families with kids.
Tenants say they were told it was safe to continue living in the building because it would quickly be fixed.
Instead, the landlord has reportedly disappeared and won't answer his phone.
Families are demanding the city condemn the building and relocate them to hotels until it's rebuilt.
A woman who was nearby where the fire started says her kids are taking it hard.
"They're devastated, sometimes they, like right now they can't sleep. They don't want to fall asleep, they keep waking up during the night… You know Christmas is coming, school is starting, and we have nowhere to go," tenant Yireth Germosen said.
CBS2 has reached out to the city, but authorities have not responded to requests for comment.