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Sylvan Terrace is a unique and treasured part of New York City

Sylvan Terrace a unique and treasured part of New York City
Sylvan Terrace a unique and treasured part of New York City 03:14

NEW YORK - A little known street in Upper Manhattan is a unique and treasured part of the city's history. 

Sylvan Terrace is where you'll find 20 carriage houses built in the 1800s, and it has created quite the buzz on Instagram

Visitors post their pictures of the homes that line the cobblestone street. 

Web Extra: Inside Sylvan Terrace 00:46

Sylvan Terrace is located between 160th and 162nd Streets between Edgecombe and St. Nicholas Avenues in Washington Heights. 

Take a look inside one of the homes there in the videos above. 

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