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Supersized Dinosaurs Come To Museum of Natural History

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- The Brontosaurus at the American Museum of Natural History is getting some company this weekend.

1010 WINS' John Montone gets a sneak peek


The World's Largest Dinosaurs, a new exhibition, takes a look at the supersized Sauropods – the most colossal animals to ever roam the planet.

The enormous reptiles thrived for 140 million years and grew to be longer than 150 feet – the length of four city buses.

Mark Norrel, the Chairman of the Division of Paleontology, said the Argentinosaurus was over 160-feet long when it was alive.

The biggest star of the exhibit is a life-sized, detailed model of a 60-foot-long Mamenchisaurus.

"It's a very long-necked animal from China," Norrel said. "It's only been recently that almost complete skeletons have been found."

The Mamenchisaurus' neck was 35-feet-long.

The exhibition takes a look at the anatomy of the animals and at basic biological functions such as breathing, eating and moving.

"We have a cube which is about a five-foot by five-foot by five-foot cube that represents the amount of vegetation that one of these animals would've had to eat in a single day," Norrel said.

Visitors will also get an understanding of how size affects heart rate, respiration, metabolism and reproduction.

The exhibition will be on display from April 16 through Jan 2, 2012.

American Museum Of Natural History
Central Park West At 79th Street

New York, NY 10024
(212) 769-5100

Open Daily from 10 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.

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