Doctors Report Enterovirus Increase, Advise Sick Who Insist On Going To Work To Not Be Heroes
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- It's never fun to get a cold, especially when it's warm outside.
Some area doctors say they're treating a spike in summer sickness, including respiratory infections, CBS2's Tony Aiello reported Thursday.
Dr. Ammir Rabadi is calling it a summer bummer. Perhaps you're seeing it at work -- colleagues either calling out, or maybe even worse, coming in with a sickness.
"I feel like, like dirty, like I'm gonna get sick or get something," one person said.
Among the factors to blame, the heat and humidity, and the recent rain.
"That tends to block a lot of the natural barriers our immune system has in the nasal passageways and the airways, by causing an increase in mucus that blocks the immune system from responding to the enterovirus, which is the most common virus that affects us during the summer months," Dr. Rabadi said.
Enterovirus symptoms include sneezing and runny nose, cough and sore throat, general aches, and fever.
Doctors say bed rest, fluids, pain relievers and decongestants will ease symptoms.
Dr. Rabadi said those people who always tough it out and never take a sick day are not doing themselves or their co-workers any favors.
"The transfer of these illnesses are airborne, so if you're working in a facility and you're walking around the chances of you picking this up is very high," Dr. Rabadi said.
As for summer allergies versus a summer cold, Dr. Rabadi said ragweed and pollen can trigger runny noses and sneezing, but aches and pains mean it's probably a cold.
To avoid enterovirus, don't share drinks, and sanitize your hands. Some people slack off, forgetting that even in the summer a virus can give you a cold.
Many people say summer cold's are the worst. Well, there's some truth to that. Doctors say the enterovirus that causes most summer colds often takes longer to kick than the rhinovirus we see in fall and winter.