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Post-It Note Project Continues To Grow At 14th Street Station

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- As more and more Post-It notes cover the white tiled wall of the 14th Street subway tunnel, the overwhelming message is one of love.

"There were a few funny ones up and down the wall, but I think this is the important one," Garrett Huizenga told WCBS 880's Mike Smeltz. 

He pointed to a red note with the word "love" written on it.

"I think at this time, a lot of people need to come together, and I think a lot of people need to realize that yelling and screaming isn't the way forward," Huizenga said.

Some notes speak to the fears people feel with Donald Trump moving into the White House.

One said, "My students feel afraid that you will send their families away."

PHOTO GALLERY: Post-It Project

But the over-riding message on the emotional montage is love.

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