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Photographer Frantic After Losing Couple's Wedding Photos In Subway

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- It was a picture perfect nightmare for a local photographer, who lost the wedding photos that a newlywed couple was waiting for.

As CBS2's Valerie Castro reported, Kurt Sneddon is desperately hoping someone finds the photos.

The anguish in Sneddon's voice was heartbreaking.

"They're devastated and they're my friends, and it's the worst thing I've ever done," Sneddon said.

Sneddon, a professional photographer, agreed to capture a friend's wedding in Mamaroneck last weekend. But on the way back to the city on Monday, things got overwhelming on the subway.

"I was just trying to carry too much. I was carrying two light stands, a tripod, a lighting bag and a backpack -- all on the subway to go downtown to download the photos at my studio," he said.

An unexpected change in service on the downtown B Train forced Sneddon to get off at 34th Street.

"I quickly grabbed all of my things in an instant and try to carry everything out the door," Sneddon said.

But in his rush, he left one bag behind – the one with the memory cards containing all the wedding pictures from that special day.

"Someone's wedding photos -- come on, you have to be an idiot," Sneddon said. "I can't believe I was that careless with them."

By the time he realized his mistake, the train was long gone.

"I just melted down in the street," Sneddon said. "I was shouting. I was wailing. I didn't know what to do."

What he did have to do was tell the bride.

"I said to my friend, to the bride, 'I did look through the photos and they were beautiful, and just moments that you can never get back,'" he said.

Sneddon is posting fliers everywhere offering a $2,000 reward for the safe return of the irreplaceable pictures.

"She's more hopeful than I am," Sneddon said. "She keeps saying, 'We're going to find them,' and I'm running around the city just trying to find them. It's hard, but I am hopeful."

The photographer said some scammers have already come forward to claim the $2,000 reward. He is still hoping an honest person comes forward with the backpack.

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