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Sen. Chuck Schumer wants feds to tap into $200 million in funds to help eradicate spotted lanternfly

Sen. Schumer calls for federal funds to eradicate spotted lanternfly
Sen. Schumer calls for federal funds to eradicate spotted lanternfly 00:39

NEW YORK -- There were calls Sunday for federal action to handle an infestation of the invasive spotted lanternfly.

Sen. Chuck Schumer wants the USDA to tap into $200 million in federal funds already set aside for New York to send in teams to help eradicate the bugs.

READ MOREWhen squashing isn't enough: What to do if you spot a swarm of spotted lanternflies  

Spotted lanternflies have swarmed parts of New York City and Long Island, putting trees and plant life at risk.

"They feed on the sap of more than 70 plant species," Schumer said. "They're known to overwhelm vineyards. They kill the grape vines and they go after fruit trees."

Schumer is also pushing for an additional $22 million in funding in the upcoming state budget.

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