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Scott Stringer on why he wants another shot at taking on Eric Adams for NYC mayor

Talking Points: Scott Stringer on why he wants another shot to run for mayor
Talking Points: Scott Stringer on why he wants another shot to run for mayor 18:49

Talking Points

Talking Points: Scott Stringer on why he wants another shot to run for mayor 18:49

Eric Adams just passed the halfway mark in his term as mayor. He's got two years to go, but already people are seeking to topple him. 

Scott Stringer is a familiar face in New York politics - state lawmaker, Manhattan borough president, city comptroller, and a man who lost the mayor's race to Adams. Now, he wants to try again. 

So what possibly is in his mind? 

"Look, I love this city and I love public service, and I think this city needs a new direction. We are not well served by this administration," he told CBS New York's Political Reporter Marcia Kramer. "If I have a chance to move this city forward, to invest in education, to invest in housing, to invest in the issues that people - we - feel strongly about, then it's a campaign worth waging."

Your Point

Your Point: New Hampshire voters weigh in on the mood of the primary 02:53

The first presidential primary is in the history books, and New Hampshire voters think their views reflect the mood of the country. They weigh in on a special edition of Your Point.    

Exclamation Point

Exclamation Point: Extended conversation with Scott Stringer 17:04

Kramer and Stringer are back for a bonus conversation on CBS News New York. Having been in office for a long time, what's something New Yorkers might not know about him, and how has the city changed?

"The Point with Marcia Kramer" airs every Sunday at 11:30 a.m. on CBS2, right after "Face the Nation." Then turn to CBS News New York at noon for "Exclamation Point," an extended conversation with our guests.

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