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Schumer Optimistic About Upcoming 9/11 Bill

NEW YORK (WCBS 880) – The U.S. Senate will decide the fate of the James Zagroda 9/11 Bill and Sen. Charles Schumer is "hopeful" it will pass, WCBS 880's Mike Xirinachs reports.

Schumer said on Sunday that he and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand are doing everything they can do round up the votes.


LISTEN: WCBS 880's Mike Xirinachs reports

"We're doing everything we can. We're not there yet, but we're hopefully we can get there, which means 60 votes and then the bill will pass and sign into law," Schumer said.

Gillibrand spoke to WCBS 880 Sunday and called the responders "heroes" and said "these are the men and women that we have to stand by because they really are suffering with some of the gravest diseases you can imagine."

Schumer called the anticipated vote this week on the $7.4 million bill a moment of truth and compared the heroics of the 9/11 responders to that of U.S. veterans.

"The people who rushed to the towers at 9/11 are the same as our veterans. They in a time of war—we were attacked—they rushed to war just like our veterans do—God bless them. And when they get ill, the federal government should be there, too," Schumer said.

With so many new members in the House, Schumer said it's not certain whether or not the bill could pass there.

"I am very hopeful that the conscience of my colleagues will prevail and they will recognize that this is a moral imperative that we as leaders have to really provide for these men and women when they need our help," Gillibrand said.

"The easiest and best route is to pass it now and that's what we're working hard to make happen," Schumer said.



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