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Rockland Legislator Calling For Investigation Of County Finances

NEW CITY, NY (WCBS 880) -- Rockland County's budget deficit has one legislator asking for an investigation of county finances.

WCBS 880's Catherine Cioffi reports: Day Worried About County's Finances


Legislator Ed Day is calling for a bipartisan investigation into what he calls a clear pattern of disturbing irregularities and he blames the county executive.

"My first question as someone who has had executive responsiblity is who's minding the store," asked Day.

Day says there is a multimillion dollar loss at Summit Park Hospital and says all too often, the amount the state owes the county, changes.

"I wanted a legislative investigation to get to the bottom of this matter," he said.

Meanwhile, County Executive Scott Vanderhoef says election season seems to have started early. He says Day is just looking for attention.

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