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Reddit post has New Yorkers sharing what makes living in the city so special

What makes you feel lucky to live in New York City?
What makes you feel lucky to live in New York City? 02:20

NEW YORK -- If you live in New York City, have you ever stopped and thought about what makes it so special to you? Well, an online post has a lot of people doing just that.

CBS2's Jenna DeAngelis took the conversation to the streets.

Only in New York would "New York, New York" happen to be playing as you're about to ask people, "What makes you feel lucky to live in New York?"

"That's a hell of a question. You know what, I never thought about it. I really never did," a Bronx resident named George said.

"Well, now that we got you thinking," DeAngelis said.

"Well, I'm a New Yorker, that's it. I love New York," George said.

That question -- "What makes you feel lucky to live in New York City?" -- got hundreds of responses when someone posted it on Reddit.

Some put a spotlight on Broadway. Others spoke of the diversity, the convenience, the wide variety of food. One simple response: "Honestly every part of it."

CBS2 took the conversation from online to in-person.

"Well, it's the people," Manhattan resident Gene Alston said.

"'Cause it's very blue and everybody's vaccinated," Upper West Side resident Neil Treadwell said.

"So many different people, different varieties, things to do," one woman said.

"All the food in the world," another woman said.

"Best food in the world," Upper West Side resident Madeleine Dopico said.

"I think that New York is the best culinary city on Earth," Brooklyn resident Myles Karp said.

DeAngelis says if she was stopped on the street, that may be the first thing that comes to her mind. There is no shortage of good food, and great people, too.

"I like the energy of the people," Manhattan resident Cynthia Lamar said.

"I'm just walking around and you're interviewing me, and I love that," Upper West Side resident Henry Mandler said.

Sometimes it's tough in the hustle and bustle to get New Yorkers to stop and talk, but asking about their city, well, that was easy.

"Best city in the world," Upper West Side resident Mike Kelly said.

"As you can see, it's just full of life. You don't go anywhere else and feel this electricity," Midtown resident India Robinson said.

DeAngelis asked musician Dennis Karr if he could answer the question as he was singing "New York, New York."

"I think I just did," he said, laughing.

Only one person DeAngelis stopped had something negative to say, but that person wouldn't go on camera. Everyone else was so excited to share their love for the city.

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