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Red-Light Camera Confusion Has Some Nassau County Motorists Demanding Warning Signs

EAST NORWICH, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) -- Some drivers who claim continued confusion say red-light camera warning signs must be made into law.

Making a right on red is permitted at some intersections, but only after stopping well before the light, CBS2's Jennifer McLogan reported Tuesday.

That has some asking the question: Is it all about public safety, or a money grab?

"Off course it's a money grab. I got seven tickets. Seven tickets ... in the same week. When they all came I didn't even know I was doing something wrong," Nassau County motorist Donna Scala said.

Scala was among the many confused at intersections like one in East Norwich, where a right on red is permitted -- but only after stopping first at a thick white line.

"This line is about easily 40-50 feet before the corner, so people don't understand that," motorist Barry Schwartz said.

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When asked if she was contemplating making a red-light turn, motorist Elizabeth DeAngelis said, "No, I'm going to stay right here until it turns green and save myself a lot of money."

As cars approach the intersection for a legal right on red, nothing indicates you must first come to a stop prior to the solid white line, CBS2's McLogan reported.

Legislator John Ferretti and the Republican majority just filed a bill to make mandatory warning signs within 200 feet of each of the county's 285 cameras -- with explanations.

"Prior to a right on red, motorists must make a complete stop here with an arrow pointing to that solid white line," Ferretti said.

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Representatives of County Executive Laura Curran would not agree to go on camera but in a statement said additional signage requires approval from the New York State Department of Transportation.

Since the red-light cameras were installed at the location in East Norwich, front-end collisions and deaths have gone down, officials said. However, rear-end crashes are up, something Scala said she wants to discuss with a judge in traffic court, along with fees and surcharges.

"Fifty-dollar fine, $45 driver responsibility fee, and then we will throw some public safety in there for $55," Scala said.

That adds up to $150, per ticket.

The county said anyone receiving a ticket has the option of arguing the case before a traffic court judge.

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