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Push On To Give FDA Power To Keep Us Safe

YONKERS, NY (WCBS 880) - Eggs, peanut better, spinach, and cookie dough all have been recalled over the past few years.

LISTEN: WCBS 880's Catherine Cioffi reports

That's why Consumer Union senior scientist Michael Hansen says the FDA needs teeth and the U.S. Senate needs to pass the Food Safety Enhancement Act.

Hansen told WCBS 880 reporter Catherine Cioffi that this is "because we need to give FDA the resources and the regulatory authority to take care of food safety problems."

Hansen says this legislation would update laws passed in the 1930s.

"Unlike a broken toy or a broken car, the FDA does not have the authority to recall dangerous food from the market," says Hansen.

The bill has already been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives.

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