PREVIEW: The 58th Annual Grammy Awards
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork)-- The 58th Annual Grammy Awards: it's music's biggest night and it's just three days away.
In addition to the musical moments, the awards ceremony often has some star surprises. So what will happen this year?
Who can forget Kanye's moment from last year's Grammy? The singer jumped on stage when Beck won album of the year.
And of course, this wasn't the first time Kanye pulled this type of antic.
"At the VMAs a few years ago, everyone recalled Kanye West famously interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech screaming, 'Beyonce should have won!'" CBS Radio's Niko Petrou told CBS2's Jill Nicolini.
And today, there is even more controversy surrounding West's new song lyrics that mention Swift.
He took to social media and said, "I did not diss Taylor Swift and I've never dissed her…" He also said "Swift gave her blessing."
Kendrick Lamar has the most Grammy nominations this year, and LL Cool J said his performance may be controversial.
"He's kind of the dark horse in the race. He's got a lot of nominations, a lot of people are speculative toward it," Petrou said.
So who does the actual Grammy voting?
"You have to be a member of the recording academy. Then you have to have at least 6 credits on a track... anyone who worked on the album," Petrou said.
Petrou discussed past Grammy surprises, like Eminem and Elton John teaming up for a performance.
"In 2001 it was speculated that Eminem was homophobic, so what did he do? He used the Grammy stage to bring out Elton John and performed, and obviously they had an amazing performance," he said.
And what celebrities will make surprise cameos this year?
Last year Kristen Wiig surprised us on stage wearing "a wig" during Sia's performance.
And on Monday night, Gwen Stefani will make history. As she performs her new single, "Make Me Like You," she will also be filming the first-ever "live music video." No matter how the performance goes, this will be her official new video.
You can watch the Grammys live this Monday night at 8 p.m. on CBS2.