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New Yorkers Sound Off On Annoyances For National Pet Peeve Week

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- It's National Pet Peeve week – a week devoted to what you find especially annoying.

CBS2 asked you to comment on Facebook about some of your biggest pet peeves.

Phil Anna wrote, "My biggest pet peeve is people not being on time."

Things that involve driving were also at the top of the list. Valerie Rotella-Zafuto mentioned "people who refuse to move over when you want to pass them." And at least three people said, "people who don't use their blinkers."

And as CBS2's Emily Smith reported, your pet peeve could reveal more about you than you think.

It's those little things like someone chewing gum that can rattle the nerves.

"Ugh, ugh, it's so annoying – so, I mean, popping chewing gum is probably one of my biggest pet peeves," one woman said.

Another woman said, "People talk on the phone on the phone on the bus – that's annoying."

A third woman cannot stand it when people smack their lips and sigh with contentment when they are drinking a cup of coffee.

CBS2's Smith has some pet peeves of her own. The biggest one, she said, is when she says, "Thank you," to someone and they fail to say, "You're welcome."

There are even websites dedicated entirely to pet peeves. The website includes some very specific nuisances:

• "When people take 20 napkins, use one, then throw them all away."

• "When somebody tosses something toward a garbage can, like they think they're a basketball star, then leave it on the ground after they miss!"

• "People who walk their dogs and let them poop indiscriminately (like on someone's lawn), and does not pick it up."

• "When someone is writing on a chalkboard and then they erase it to write something new, but they don't erase all of it, so you still see half of a letter here and there."

Dr. Alexis Conason said as a psychologist, she hears about pet peeves daily. She said it is often more about yourself than the other person – especially in relationships.

"Is it the chewing that's driving you crazy, or the little noise your husband makes each night, or is it something deeper about the relationship that you're having trouble with?" Conason said. "Probably if your spouse stops chewing, something else is going to drive you nuts, so it's kind of a losing battle."

Conason said it if it is really bugging you, use national pet peeve week to express it in a way that is respectful and compassionate – but do not expect anything to change.

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