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Park Rangers Serving As Traffic Cops In Smithtown

SMITHTOWN, NY (WCBS 880) - It was after several fatalities that Smithtown began utilizing park rangers to patrol Main Street in downtown.

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That has police union leaders questioning the practice, concerned park police are taking jobs away from regular cops.

Residents, however, seem okay with using park officers.

"I don't have any problem with park police patrolling. If there's a need for a patrol, then, you know, whoever is available, sure," one mad said.

One woman says it's all about keeping people safe.

"I think unions in general are facing some realities which they're not used to and they're afraid that some of the benefits are going to be taken away from them," said one man.

One town official calls the matter urgent, telling Newsday that park police are being used to help fill a gap caused by staff reductions.

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