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New York City's normally brutal February temperatures have been replaced by more than just a hint of spring

Spring-like weather continues in New York
Spring-like weather continues in New York 02:11

NEW YORK -- Winter is on hiatus across the Tri-State Area.

Not that anyone is complaining. In fact, many told CBS2 on Wednesday they are enjoying the mild temperatures in notoriously nasty February.

The unfiltered February sunshine illuminated Wolman Rink, and helped highlight those skating in short sleeves. It's warm, even on ice. 

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Birds delighted in the unseasonable warmth, as did many humans, like the LaFleurs from Ottowa, Canada. 

"We have about 10 feet of snow," Tracie LaFleur said. 

It feels like summer in the city. 

The LaFleurs are here celebrating 20 years of wedded bliss. They saw Billy Joel Tuesday night. 

"Is Billy Joel or the weather a better anniversary present?" CBS2's Vanessa Murdock asked. 

"The weather," Tracie said, laughing.

New Yorkers enjoy April-like weather in mid-February 02:01

"This is a bad day for plant people - outdoor plant people, that is," said Dimitri Gatnas. 

Gatanas is the owner of Urban Garden Center in East Harlem. He says when winter gets this warm, outdoor potted plants and evergreens get thirsty. 

"A day like today, every single outdoor plant is searching for water," Gatanas said. "Nobody's outside watering. They're still trying ot figure out what jacket to wear today." 

Water them to save them. 

"I've been getting text messages from clients that they're noting some bulbs coming up already," Gatanas said. 

It's happening in Central Park. It's easy to spot the shock of green among dead, brown leaves. 

Gatanas says if you have planted bulbs covered with evergreens, pick the evergreens and put mulch, or risk your blooms getting busted. 

Feeling like spring in Central Park 02:06

There are so many signals of spring, but the calendar says it's still winter -- a really warm one at that.

But should we be all that surprised? January went down in the books as the warmest on record, and unseasonable warmth has persisted this month, with high temperatures averaging 4.7 degrees above normal.

With highs heading into the 60s on Wednesday, there is no doubt Central Park will see some serious foot traffic -- more runners, cyclists, children at play, and others just enjoying the pristine February day.

"I feel warm because the weather is nice. It's a beautiful day outside to be in the park," said Carole Williams of Canarsie, Brooklyn, who obviously didn't get the weather message because she was wearing several layers.

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The mild temperatures gave students from South Bronx Early College Academy reason to stroll through the park en route to SPYSCAPE.

"A warm day with a nice, cool breeze," 12-year-old Nazir Huntt said. "It should be freezing."

When told the high was expected to be 64 degrees on Wednesday, 12-year-old Anjie Grace said, "Very surprising because last mid-February it was freezing."

Anjie knows her stuff. On Feb. 15, 2022, the high was only 30. That was more than doubled on Wednesday.

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