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Octopus named "Costello" observed having a nightmare, Rockefeller University and Hunter College researchers say

Octopus named "Costello" observed having a nightmare, researchers say
Octopus named "Costello" observed having a nightmare, researchers say 01:11

NEW YORK -- We've all had good dreams and bad dreams, and researchers in New York City found wild animals might be able to relate. 

After observing an octopus named Costello for a month, researchers at Rockefeller University and Hunter College noticed sudden, erratic movements in his sleep, similar to the behavior of fighting off a predator. 

"He starts to have these body kinds of, like spasms, and then climbs down off of the wall and stretches his body out, and then he starts inking and sprays up the tank with ink," a researcher said. 

The findings have not yet been peer reviewed, but the group conducting the research said it's the best evidence they have of a wild animal having a nightmare. 

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