NYPD Mobilizes To Find Elderly Woman's Attacker
By Pablo Guzman, CBS 2 HD News
NEW YORK (CBS 2) -- Imagine waking up before 5:30 in the morning because you hear someone in the house. You are a 78-year-old woman. You also happen to be a 78-year-old white woman who has stayed in the same East New York neighborhood for decades, even as it changed all around you; because this is where your roots are, where your best memories are.
And, because, it is your home.
Now imagine that after you beg the intruder not to hurt you, and you offer him what little you have, just, please, go away -- he takes your money, takes two cell phones and then, sexually assaults you.
Imagine after all that, one more thing: that about two hours after attacking you, and you're in the hospital, this useless piece of work calls your son from a number in one of the cell phones and makes him an offer.
To buy the phones back.
Except, this is not just a flight of imagination, this really happened.
Police sources tell CBS 2's Pablo Guzman the suspect is in his 30s and said to be "very skinny," an African-American male with light-skin with "a twist in his hair that's a popular style on the street." He was wearing blue jeans and had on a hoodie, the color unknown.
Guzman went to the woman's house. A man who refused to open the door said he had nothing to say. It was understandable.
About two hours after the woman was attacked, her son got that call "offering" to sell the cell phones back to him. Of course, by then, detectives from the 75th Precinct were already involved. Arrangements were made for an exchange around New Lots Avenue and Stone Avenue in Brownsville. Police closed in on a woman. She had the two phones, but, of course, "I have no idea how they got there. I don't know whose phones they are! Somebody told me to wait here!" came out of her mouth. She is about 22, Guzman learned.
As they were taking her away, a detective spotted someone in the distance nervously moving. In that way when someone is about to run. He matched the description of the low-life they really wanted.
The cops moved. The suspect took off. Police called for major backup. For hours, that part of Brooklyn was swarming with police. But for now, he got away.
If you know anything about this type of story, you know he's not getting far. For one thing, there's that woman. For another: they've already triangulated where he made that call from.
Unfortunately, even his arrest is not going to erase what that elderly woman has gone through – a woman who did not give upon her neighborhood.