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NYPD's Auxiliary Police Getting Back On The Street, Including A Pair With A Special Bond

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - The NYPD's Auxiliary police are being put back into service.

CBS2's Steve Overmyer has the story of one duo with a special bond.

Patrolling the Bronx is a pair of New York's Finest whose connection goes deeper than the uniform. They're brothers -- Alexander and James Lukose.

"It's interesting, it's, uh, it's definitely an experience," joked Alexander Lukose.

The Auxiliary police program is volunteer officers assembled from members of the neighborhood.


"The Auxiliary program, they're the eyes and ears for the NYPD," said Auxiliary Coordinator Officer Ray Dutton. "They come in. They'll either go on local patrol, the CO may have them hand out flyers."

"As long as I can remember, right, in terms of our day, we've been at soup kitchens helping out, helping feed the homeless, helping feed the under-served," said James Lukose. "It has always been part of my repertoire to give back."

This crisis has kept these brothers busy because they're also health care workers.  James is physician assistant. Alexander is a nurse. Now on patrol together in their community, neighbors see them differently.

"They're shocked. 'I thought you were in medicine? What are you doing in that uniform?'" said James.

They are serving their community because they believe it is their civic duty.

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"My dad lives a mile from here. My mom lives a little less than two miles from here," James said. "To give back to your community, you know, this is where I grew up."

James joined six years ago and last year brought his brother on board.

"I was a little hesitant. I didn't know what it was," Alexander said. "It's just giving back to the community where, like he said, we grew up in and this is home."

"The more people that are involved, right? You can make your community a safer place to be," James said.

Brothers, taking their health care knowledge to the streets while preserving the peace.

Auxiliary police returned to duty on Saturday. For more info on how you can join, CLICK HERE.

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