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NYC's First Same-Sex Couple To Seek Wedding License Ties The Knot Sunday

NEW YORK (WCBS 880) -- One couple tied the knot and celebrated in style, compliments of the New York institution "The Old Homestead" in the meatpacking district.

"By the authority of the State of New York, I pronounce Mimi and Carol are now married," said Rev. Annie Lawrence, who presided over the occasion.

Carol Anastastio and Mimi Brown were a couple for nearly 20 years. On Sunday, their relationship became official in the eyes of the state.

"When it's the two of you suddenly listening to the state sanctioning your relationship, that is a big deal. It is a really big deal," Brown said.

"And you think about everybody who worked so hard to get here," Anastastio added.

The couple walked down a rose petal-covered white runner, through vases of flowers and candles, serenaded by a harp and Broadway vocalist Sarah Rice.

LISTEN: Ginny Kosola reports


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