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With the indictment of New York Mayor Eric Adams, a closer look at who's who in the federal investigations into NYC's top officials

Key players in the ongoing investigations of NYC officials
Key players in the ongoing investigations of NYC officials 01:56

NEW YORK --  Prosecutors unveiled an indictment against New York City Mayor Eric Adams Thursday, after months of subpoenas and several high profile investigations into top officials in his administration. 

In a five count indictment, prosecutors hit Adams with campaign finance, bribery and conspiracy charges.

Prosecutor said Adams had, for years, solicited and accepted illegal campaign contributions and luxury travel, and didn't disclose those gifts. 

The investigation began back in Nov. 2023, when federal authorities searched the home of Adams' chief fundraiser, Brianna Suggs. Sources said federal authorities were scrutinizing campaign donations to Adams' 2021 mayoral campaign, and whether it received illegal donations from Turkey through straw donors. 

Prosecutors said, however, that Adams had been receiving illegal campaign donations since 2016.  

While prosecutors brought those charges against Adams on Thursday, they also emphasized their work was not yet done, and the probes are continuing. 

Search warrants served to top officials

Federal agents served search warrants on homes belonging to Interim Police Commissioner Tom Donlon on Sept. 20. Donlon said the agents "took materials that came into my possession approximately 20 years ago." He said the items were "unrelated" to his work with the NYPD. 

The search took place roughly a week after Donlon was named interim police commissioner following the resignation of Commissioner Edward Caban, whose home was searched and phone was seized by federal agents. 

The search of Donlon's homes also comes after sources familiar with the investigation said federal authorities subpoenaed Molly Schaeffer, director of the Office of Asylum Seeker Operations. Sources said the subpoena was seeking her testimony. She has not been accused of any wrongdoing. 

So far, it's not clear which of several investigations into top Adams administration officials Schaeffer's subpoena was related to. 

"While we won't comment on an ongoing investigation, as we have repeatedly said, we expect all team members to fully comply with any ongoing inquiry. Molly Schaeffer is an integral part of our team and works hard every day to deliver for New Yorkers," a spokesperson for Adams said. 

Flurry of federal activity

Numerous top members of the Adams administration have recently been visited by federal authorities, who are said to be looking into several different matters. 

 his home was searched and phone was seized as part of a federal raid of several members of the administration. Additional top officials and their associates also had their phones seized.

Authorities have not revealed why the officials had their homes searched, or what the investigation is all about, but sources said federal agents seized Caban's phone, and that of his twin brother, James Caban, over allegations James worked as a fixer for local bars and restaurants.

Sources tell CBS News New York that investigation is unrelated to the illegal donations from Turkey that prosecutors alleged that Adams received

A closer look at who's who: 

Brianna Suggs: In November of 2023, the FBI raided the home of to Adams fundraiser Brianna Suggs. Suggs has not been charged with a crime, and she has since been reassigned from fundraising for the Adams campaign. The search was part of an investigation into whether the Adams campaign received illegal donations from Turkey through straw donors. Reportedly, employees of a Brooklyn construction company allegedly made donations to the campaign, but when questioned, some of them could not recall doing so.

As part of the same investigation, the FBI also searched the homes of two other people in the mayor's circle. Sources close to the investigation identified them as Cenk Ocal, a former Turkish Airlines executive who served on Adams' transition team, and Rana Abbasova, who worked in the mayor's international affairs office. Abbasova is reportedly cooperating with the feds.

Authorities are also looking into whether someone in the Fire Department sped up inspections of a new Turkish consulate that would allow it to open near the United Nations building. On Sept. 16, federal prosecutors announced a bribery indictment of two top FDNY officials for allegedly carrying out a similar scheme to expedite other projects.

Police Commissioner Edward Caban speaks during the press
Police Commissioner Edward Caban speaks during the press briefing by mayor Eric Adams on cannabis and public safety announcement in the Bronx. Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

Edward Caban: The former commissioner came up through the ranks of the NYPD. He started out in 1991 as a police officer in the South Bronx. Promotions to sergeant, lieutenant, captain, deputy inspector, inspector and first deputy commissioner followed through the years. He became New York City's 46th police commissioner in July of 2023, after Keechant Sewell stepped down, and became the first Latino to lead the department.

He resigned as police commissioner after federal agents raided his home. 

NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban, left, and his twin brother, James Caban. CBS News New York

James Caban: James Caban is under scrutiny by federal authorities for allegedly working as a fixer for restaurants and nightclubs in Manhattan that were having trouble with the NYPD. He allegedly worked to smooth over things like noise complaints and other violations. 

James Caban was formerly an NYPD officer who left under a cloud amid allegations having to do with the improper use of force

Deputy mayor for public safety Philip Banks III speaks
Deputy mayor for public safety Philip Banks III speaks during Mayor Eric Adams makes public safety and quality-of-life-related announcement at 14th Street Y on Aug. 8, 2024.  Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

Philip Banks: Philip Banks III was appointed deputy mayor for public safety in January 2022. Previously, he was a member of the NYPD for 28 years, ultimately serving as chief of department before stepping down in 2014.

At the time, Banks appeared in photos with businessmen Jeremy Reichberg and Jona Rechnitz. Reichberg was charged with bribing top police officials with gifts, including trips and providing the service of a prostitute while on a trip to Las Vegas. Rechnitz got a plea deal to testify in several corruption cases. Banks was not charged in that investigation, but was listed as an unindicted coconspirator in the case

Philip Banks' home was among those raided on Sept. 4, and sources say his cellphone was seized. Sources say on Sept. 6, electronics were removed from the Verizon building near One Police Plaza, where Banks' office is located.

According to the New York Times, the investigation into Philip Banks, the deputy mayor for public safety, involves his brother, Terence Banks, who runs a consulting business. 

Banks' other brother David Banks is the chancellor of New York City Public Schools.  

David Banks
David Banks CBS New York

David Banks: In December 2021, before Eric Adams had even been officially sworn in as mayor, he announced David Banks would be the new schools chancellor. Banks is a Brooklyn native who began his career as a teacher in Crown Heights. He went on to work as an assistant principal before co-founding the Bronx School of Law, Government and Justice and founding the Eagle Academy.

Banks addressed the federal investigation days later, saying his lawyer has been told he is "absolutely not a target in whatever this investigation is about."

"I always live my life with integrity, every day of my life, and anybody who knows me, knows that. My staff knows it, the folks who I've worked with for many, many years know that well," he said. "So we'll all wait and see where these investigations go. Other than that, I am very, very focused on my work."

Later in September, Banks announced he would retire at the end of the year.

David Banks is engaged to and lives with First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. Their home was also among those raided on Sept. 4.

First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright The Point

Sheena Wright: Wright joined the Adams administration as deputy mayor of strategic initiatives in January 2022 before being appointed first deputy mayor in January 2023, taking over for Lorraine Grillo. Prior to her time in the Adams administration, Wright was the first female president and CEO of United Way of New York City and CEO of Abyssinian Development Corporation. She also previously practiced law and served on the city's Education Sector Advisory Council and state's New York Forward Re-Opening Advisory Board.

Sources say Wright's cellphone was seized when her home was raided.

Terence Banks: Terence Banks is the brother of Philip and David Banks. 

CBS News New York has learned that Terence Banks' firm, the Pearl Alliance, represents companies that have contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with a number of city agencies. He is not a registered lobbyist, however. 

His attorney told the Associated Press his home was searched by the FBI.

"We have been assured by the government that Mr. Banks is not a target of this investigation," Banks' attorney Timothy Sini said. 

Timothy Pearson: Timothy Pearson is a senior advisor to the mayor for public safety. His home was part of the raid on Sept. 4. 

Robert Gault: Deputy Inspector Robert Gault is commanding officer of the NYPD's Midtown North Precinct in Manhattan and former commander of the 10th Precinct in Chelsea - both precincts have nightclubs in their districts. Police sources tell CBS News New York that investigators have confiscated Gault's cellphones as part of the probe.

Other Adams-related investigations


Tom Donlon: Interim Police Commissioner Tom Donlon's homes were searched roughly a week after he took over the NYPD following Caban's resignation. Donlon said federal agents "took materials that came into my possession approximately 20 years ago and are unrelated to my work with the New York City Police Department." 

There was no immediate word on why federal agents searched Donlon's homes, or which of several investigations into top Adams administration officials it might be related to, if any. 

Molly Schaeffer: Schaeffer is the director of the mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations. Sources said federal authorities subpoenaed Schaeffer in September seeking her testimony, and she has not been accused of any wrongdoing. 

Again, it wasn't immediately clear which of the various investigations into top Adams administration officials the subpoena was related to. 

A spokesperson for Adams said "we expect all team members to fully comply with any ongoing inquiry. Molly Schaeffer is an integral part of our team and works hard every day to deliver for New Yorkers." 

Winnie Greco: In March of this year, federal agents searched properties belonging to Winnie Greco, another former Adams fundraiser who serves as the mayor's director of Asian affairs. The FBI also raided the New World Mall on Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, which hosted several fundraisers for Adams' 2021 mayor campaign. 

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